Through the China Youth Development Foundation, AOSA offers CYFLE scholarships to deserving students who meet our strict criteria.


AOSA OUTSTANDING STUDENTS are those who have a minimum academic grade averaging 95% or A++; a thorough understanding of and facility with the English language (speaking, writing, listening); an eclectic record of extracurricular activities (athletic, artistic, volunteering, etc.), and a demonstrated ability to adjust to foreign cultures. Outstanding Students will be eligible for OSA Scholarships.

AOSA EXCELLENT STUDENTS are those who have a minimum academic grade averaging 90% or A+; a thorough understanding of and facility with the English language (speaking, writing, listening); some evidence of extracurricular activities (athletic, artistic, volunteering, etc.), and a stated interest in adjusting to foreign cultures.

AOSA EXCEPTIONAL STUDENTS are those who have a minimum academic grade averaging 80% or A; a thorough understanding of and facility with the English language (speaking, writing, listening); and a strong interest in studying and living abroad.

AOSA ACCEPTABLE STUDENTS are those who have a minimum academic grade averaging 75% or B+; a reasonable understanding of and strong intention to improve their facility with the English language (speaking, writing, listening).



Special Offer

  • Refer a friend and receive you application fee for free!Learning is more fun when you're with friends. Apply today with a friend and AOSA will refund your application fee.
  • Apply today and be one of the first 100 students to receive a free application fee!AOSA is proud to offer the first 100 students who join AOSA free application fees!
  • Complete our programs and receive CYFLE awards! Students who complete AOSA's comprehensive programs are entitled to receive CYFLE awards. Enroll today to find out how!